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Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone within the club (led by the whole committee), having a club welfare officer ensures the club has a dedicated person with the primary responsibility for managing and reporting concerns about athletes at risk.


Club Welfare Officers play a key role in ensuring that our club members have a safe and positive experience at their club.  Welfare Officers are key to all members knowing what to do and who to speak to if they have a safeguarding or discipline or conduct concern.


They are also key to managing lower-level club issues and disputes, and/or flagging concerns for early intervention to prevent escalation and behaviours which prevent enjoyment of the sport.  Welfare Officers also form part of the club committee and perform a key role in implementing good safeguarding governance locally at your club.




If you are struggling with your mental health, then it is important to seek support from local mental health providers and health professionals. These include:

  • Your GP

  • Your local Mind

  • Mind’s free online community, Side by Side, which is a safe supportive space for 18+

  • The Samaritans, who are there to listen at any time, 24 hours a day (tel: 116 123).

  • ​



Beat is the UK’s eating disorder charity. They are a champion, guide and friend for anyone affected by an eating disorder. Visit Beat Eating Disorder for information about eating disorders, and to access online support groups and one-to-one chat.


Use Beat Help Finder to find services in your area. 


Helpline: 0808 801 0677







​Best Athletics Health & Safety Policy.pdf


Best Athletics Social Media Policy.pdf​​

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